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Motion Nutrition Power Up: Day Time Nootropic

Ł 24.99
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Motion Nutrition Power Up: Day Time Nootropic


Power Up Daytime Nootropic: Think Sharp, Feel Good, Age Slow



Imagine achieving laser-sharp focus and feeling in optimal mood all day long, while quietly helping your brain protect against degenerative diseases.


L-Tyrosine, Biotin, and quick-absorption Vitamin B6 help to maintain normal psychological function and are essential for optimal energy levels and mental clarity.

Iron Bisglycinate, Nicotinamide Riboside and pre-digested Vitamin B9 are all essential energy sources for the brain, having the power to elevate your mental performance with improvements to immediate and delayed memory recall.


Korean Panax Ginseng extract and L-Taurine have mood-modulating and cognitive enhancing qualities L-Taurine.

Boron can help testosterone production and oestrogen balancing – both essential for cognitive power and improving dexterity, attention, and short-term memory.


Nicotinamide Riboside, the most advanced form of Vitamin B3, has been shown to have intrinsic brain protective functions in studies of Alzheimer’s disease.

Methylcobalamin, our ‘pre-digested’ form of Vitamin B12, is an essential element in the prevention of neurodegenerative disease.


High-bioavailability forms of L-Carnitine, Gotu Kola and Lion’s Mane Mushroom are all known for their brain protecting capacities.

Recommended use: Take two capsules in the morning.

Every ingredient in Power Up is a real food product deeply grounded in nutritional science with excellent human clinical results and is safe for long term use.

There are no unsafe stimulants and there is no caffeine in Power Up.

Suitable for Vegans & Vegetarians. No gluten.




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